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RaspControl Hardware 2023 - lorenhoward - 11.05.2023


I've been lurking on this forum for about a month now.  I'm very excited to get started on my build. It appears there have been some changes to the required hardware list over the years.  I'm just trying to get clarification on exactly what I need for my 2000 740il.  I just have a few questions.

1. Is the RPi 4 supported or is the 3 or 3b the best way to go?
2. Is the Arduino board still being produced by Harry Berlin or should I go with the Resler USB interface?
3. Is there any way to get Apple Carplay or Android Auto running on this system?

I'm sure I'll have more questions but those are the ones that come to me right now.  Thanks for all of the invaluable info you guys have already provided.

RE: RaspControl Hardware 2023 - harryberlin - 21.05.2023

1. RPIi4 should working, but there is no released image at the moment. It's a bit tricky, to get analog output get working and GPIO-Uart
2. yes, it's available. you got answer via e-mail.
3. There is an Android Audio Solution called "Crankshaft" for RPi, but you need extra program for IBus Interface.